This professional technical manual contains service, maintenance, and troubleshooting information for your JOHN DEERE TE GATOR UTILITY VEHICLE Service Repair Manual. It is the manual used in the local service repair shop. TE GATOR is guaranteed to be fully useful to save your precious time.
This technical manual is written for an experienced technician and contains sections that are specifically for this product, It is a part of a total product support program.
The manual is organized so that all the information on a particular system is kept together, The order of grouping is as follows:
This technical manual is written for an experienced technician and contains sections that are specifically for this product. It is a part of a total product support program.
The manual is organized so that all the information on a particular system is kept together.
The order of grouping is as follows:
• Table of Contents
• Specifications and Information
• Identification Numbers
• Tools and Materials
• Component Location
• Schematics and Harnesses
• Theory of Operation
• Operation and Diagnostics
• Diagnostics
• Tests and Adjustments
• Repair
• Other
Specifications and Information
Table of Contents:
General Specifications.
Metric Fastener Torque Values
Metric Fastener Torque Values—Grade
Inch Fastener Torque Values
Gasket Sealant Application
Alternative Lubricants
Synthetic Lubricants
Lubricant Storage
Mixing Of Lubricants
Anti-Corrosion Grease
Chassis Grease
Transaxle Oil
Serial Number Locations
Machine Product Identification Number
Electric Motor Identification Number
Battery Identification Date Code
Motor Controller Identification Number
Battery Charger Identification Number
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